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ICAO ANNEX 및 Doc 최신판

HL7700 2024. 12. 8. 23:14

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ICAO ANNEX 및 doc 몇가지


Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (ICAO)

Der Konvention über die internationale Zivilluftfahrtorganisation, auch Chicago Konvention genannt, sind 19 Anhänge beigefügt, welche die grundlegenden Standards und Empfehlungen (SARPs) der internationalen Zivilluftfahrt beinhalten.



다음과 같은 문서가 제공되고 있다.


Annex 1: Personnel Licensing
Annex 2: Rules of the Air
Annex 3: Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation
Annex 4: Aeronautical Charts
Annex 5: Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations
Annex 6: Operation of Aircraft (Part 1,2,3)
Annex 7: Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks
Annex 8: Airworthiness of Aircraft
Annex 9: Facilitation
Annex 10: Aeronautical Telecommunications (Volume 1,2,3,4,5)
Annex 11: Air Traffic Services
Annex 12: Search and Rescue
Annex 13: Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation
Annex 14: Aerodromes (Volume 1,2)
Annex 15: Aeronautical Information Services
Annex 16: Environmental Protection (Volume 1,2,3,4)
Annex 17: Security
Annex 18: The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
Annex 19: Safety Management

ICAO DOC Doc 9760: Airworthiness Manual
Doc 8126: Aeronautical Information Services Manual

<Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS)>
Doc 4444: Air Traffic Management [PANS ATM]
Doc 8168: Aircraft Operations (Volume 1,2,3) [PANS OPS]
Doc 9868: Training [PANS TRG]
Doc 9981: Aerodromes [PANS ADR]
Doc 10066: Aeronautical Information Management [PANS AIM]

Doc 9137: Airport Services Manual (Part 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) [ASM]
Doc 9157: Aerodrome Design Manual (Part 1,2,3,4,5,6) [ADM]
Doc 9184: Airport Planning Manual (Part 1,2,3) [APM]

Certification of Aerodromes (COFA)
Doc 9734: Safety Oversight Manual, Part A
Doc 9774: Manual on Certification of Aerodromes
Doc 9859: Safety Management Manual (SMM)

Doc 9150: Stolport Manual
Doc 9261: Heliport Manual
Doc 9426: Air Traffic Services Planning Manual
Doc 9476: Manual of Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (SMGCS)
Doc 9640: Manual of Aircraft Ground De-Icing/Anti-Icing Operations
Doc 9643:  Manual on Simultaneous Operations on Paraller or Near-Parallel Instrument Runways (SOIR)
Doc 9683: Human factors training Manual
Doc 9829: Guidance on the Balanced Approach to Aircraft Noise Management
Doc 9830: Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual
Doc 9970: Manual on the Prevention of Runway Incursions
Doc 9977: Manual on Civil Aviation Jet Fuel Supply
Doc 10121: Manual on Ground Handling

내가 확인해봤을 당시에는 다 최신판이긴 했으나,

최근에 ANNEX 6 PART 4가 새로 나온걸로 아는데 그건 없다.